2023 Manchester Grows Mum’s Pop-Up Markets Vendor Registration Form

Event Address:
Central Little League, Shaheen-Basquil Park
380 Lincoln St.
Manchester, NH 03103

Contact us: Ara Tamzarian


Deadline: Applications must be received prior to setting up for the event. Applications are juried in the order received and spaces are limited.

Supplies : Vendors must supply their own tents, tables and chairs

Vendors selling food will need to meet the Manchester Health Department requirements listed in this PDF (click here). Vendors will want to prepackage food or sell in quantities not requiring a scale at this time.

Set- Up and Break- Down:

Vendors can unload from Lincoln Street infront of baseball fields(do not drive on the grass). No-set up before 3:00 pm. Once unloaded vehicles MUST be moved before setting up tents or display.  We will have staff to show you where to park. Hand carrying maybe up to 50 ft or more away. Vendors must be set up by 4:00 pm. Vendors agree to remain set up until 7:00pm; early breakdown is not permitted as the public perceives the  market to be closing decreasing foot traffic. No vehicles allowed for break-down before 7:00 pm

Display guidelines and site safety

1. Tents MUST be 25lbs minimum on each leg. No stakes or ropes to ground.
2. All tall display shelves or racks must be weighted to keep from tipping.
3.Boxes, materials, wraps and trash must be stored out of sight.
4. During and after event, the vendor must maintain a clean and undamaged site.

Promotion and Marketing: If you are accepted, by submitting your application  you give ManchesterGrows the right to publish images as a part of our marketing efforts.

Contact Information:

Website: ManchestergrowsNH.org
Email: info@manchestergrowsnh.org
Address: 46 W.Webster St Manchester NH 03104
Contact Number:
Ara Tamzarian 603-512-5529